Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Linocut Selfie

Alice Cook, Barcode Selfie, 2014
This is the completed series of linocuts done of my self-portrait.  The idea for the barcode going across my face is my comment on consumerism in America.  How scanning a barcode imparts all the information on a product.  If I had a barcode across my face, scanning it would reveal all the information about myself.  The reason for the multiple colors, is that different colors express different emotions.  I feel that the selfie in different colors help express different parts of myself, from the cool to the warm side.  This size of each print is 4" X 5",  carved on mounted linoleum.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Monotype Print

Alice Cook, 2014, Monotype
This is my first print done in monotype printmaking.  I used three acetate sheets in three colors for the plate.  I first laid out the green branch, eliminating all of the other elements of the picture.  After printing the branch, I laid out the flowers, then finally the blue background.  It is an interesting way of making prints.  I like the fact that you only end up with one original print, unlike other printmaking techniques where you can have multiple prints.  I have another monotype project in the works and I am looking forward to experimenting with it.  Enjoy!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Drawing of Trees

Alice Cook, Horse Chestnut Tree, 2014

Some trees can be blocked in very simply, just needing
a certain amount of shading to indicate the masses.
Alice Cook, Ash Tree, 2014

The Ash tree is feathery in appearance with cloud-
like shapes.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Autumn Relief Print

Alice Cook, Autumn Fire, 2014, Relief
This is a relief print that was done for a fall themed show that I will be in.  I was sitting at Starbucks one day and started drawing a nearby tree.  I used that tree for the relief, but removed all the leaves to give it a autumn feel.  Otherwise the rest of the elements in the picture came from my imagination.  This relief was not done on linoleum, but on Easy Cut, which is a soft, pliable plate.  It was like cutting into butter.  I had to be careful when I hand pressed it, due to the soft material.  If pressed too hard the soft lines became blurred.  This print is the 5th edition.  Enjoy!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Linocut Selfie and Consumerism

To the left is a linocut relief print I did of myself.  It is called, Barcode Selfie.  The point of the self-portrait was to practice a portrait in linoleum and to comment on consumerism today.  The print will be done in six different colors, hopefully expressing different emotions through color.  This one is done in blue-violet.  The first three prints are done in cool colors and the final three prints will be done in warm colors.
Consumerism is rampant in our society, I know I often engage in it for various reasons.  At the scanner the barcode contains all the information about the product.  So in this print, a barcode across my face can be used on a scanner to reveal all the information about my self.  Below in the actual linoleum block the print was taken from.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Selfie Self-Portrait

Alice Cook, Selfie, 2014, Mixed Media
This is my take on the selfie and the integration of technology into our everyday lives.  The self-portrait is done in acrylic, above is the electronic parts of a clock radio.  The clock radio was taken apart and cut to match the size in the matting.  Black and red wires attached to the radio, are also attached to my forehead.  With the advent of, basically, a computer that we carry around at all times, technology is taking up more space in our minds than ever before.  This selfie is a comment on that.  Enjoy!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Acrylic Self-Portrait

Alice Cook, Painted Selfie, 2014, Acrylic
From the same photograph that I used for the line drawing (see previous post) I created this acrylic self-portrait.  It is one part of a mixed media work commenting on technology and the use of self with the technology.  Layers of transparent and opaque acrylic was applied to the support, which is Bristol paper.  The size of the selfie is small, 6" X 6" approximately.  This is my first painted self-portrait, and I am happy with the results.  It does resemble me in small ways.  Enjoy!