Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Hierarchy of Painting, Animal Portraits

George Stubbs, late 1700's
According to, "At some point during Academic Art's heyday--probably roughly around the time that George Stubbs' (English, 1724-1806) horse paintings became wildly popular--it became necessary to add a new genre to the Hierarchy: Animal Painting. Why is Animal Painting ranked so far down the scale? There are two possibilities here. The first may have to do with its late inclusion in the Hierarchy of Genres. The second, and more likely, is that while this was portraiture, it wasn't Portraiture-portraiture. In other words, it failed to meet the call for portraits to be of "God's finest creation," the human being. "  Animal painting is awesome, even though it is ranked five on the hierarchy of painting.  It is a special skill to naturally depict animals, fur, scales, feathers, etc., it is so different from painting humans.  Enjoy!

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