Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Zevs, Street Art

Zevs, Liquidated McDonalds
Zevs is a French street artist who frequently addresses issues of consumerism and corporate advertising.  His street art communicates his concern of the “highly overt visual and violent projection of contemporary visual culture”.  In his series called Visual Attacks, Zevs works directly with the billboards and signs prevalent in the cities.  Using red spray paint he attempts to destroy the corporate images by spraying a spot of red paint dripping from the forehead or eyes of the model.  Once again, this very public work challenges the viewer to question the inundation of advertising in our daily lives.  His other series called Liquidated Logos, he attempts to confront the corporate trademarks that pepper our landscape.  In this work, he has paint dripping from these trademarks, thereby attacking their “brand identity”.   Corporate identity and advertising is called into question and challenged with his art.  Enjoy!

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