Thursday, August 21, 2014

Linocut Selfie and Consumerism

To the left is a linocut relief print I did of myself.  It is called, Barcode Selfie.  The point of the self-portrait was to practice a portrait in linoleum and to comment on consumerism today.  The print will be done in six different colors, hopefully expressing different emotions through color.  This one is done in blue-violet.  The first three prints are done in cool colors and the final three prints will be done in warm colors.
Consumerism is rampant in our society, I know I often engage in it for various reasons.  At the scanner the barcode contains all the information about the product.  So in this print, a barcode across my face can be used on a scanner to reveal all the information about my self.  Below in the actual linoleum block the print was taken from.  Enjoy!

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