Sunday, December 15, 2013

Willem de Kooning and Discovery

Willem de Kooning, Excavation, 1950
Maurice Merleau-Ponty once said, "Conception cannot precede execution."  According to Kit White, "Art is a process of discovery through making, and our ability to discover is generally greater than our ability to invent."  I would partly agree with the above statements, though they cannot be generalized to all artists.  While I approach my art making with some planning and some spontaneity, I know other artists that completely plan out their artwork before execution, and only then executes it without deviations.  So conception can precede execution, if the artist so chooses.   What I have read of some of the master artists of the past, their artwork changed while executing it and there was a sort of working relationship with the artwork that was give and take.  For me, I try to remember, there are no rules in art, only tools.  Enjoy!

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