Thursday, August 15, 2013

My First Collage

Alice Cook, collage, Time Transformation
Hi everyone.  As promised I am posting my first collage (see picture).  After reading the book, The Collage Workbook, I dived right in.  I found some mat board to use as the support, got out my Modge Podge for glue and went to my computer for copyright free images.  I did pick up some different colored papers from the art store to add to the collage, otherwise I worked with what I had in my studio.  The watch face in the collage is just a copy of a watch I had.  I also used some tracing paper to take away the sharpness of some of the background.  It was fun and since then I have done other collage work.  From what I am seeing in the art world right now, collage is hot.  Enjoy!

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