Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Storyboard Notebook

Alice Cook, Thumbnail sketches
I have been working on my own graphic novel, doing both the artwork and writing the story.  Right now I am in the thumbnail stage of the artwork.  A few weeks ago I picked up at my local art supply store the Moleskine Storyboard Notebook for around twelve dollars.  The notebook is small, 3 1/2" X 5 1/2", and has 80 pages with 2 or 4 frames per page on heavy paper.  For me it is working out perfectly, it is easily portable and I am able to workout my thumbnail sketches anywhere and at anytime.  Though I have to admit that I will need a few of these notebooks for it will be filled quickly as each frame is a panel in my graphic novel.  Here are some rough thumbnail sketches in the notebook.  Enjoy!

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