Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Paul Klee and Execution

Paul Klee
According to Kit White, "An idea is only as good as its execution.  Poorly make work will either ruin a good idea or make the lamentable execution itself the subject...One can only gauge the need to throw technique away if one has first achieved the mastery of it."  I have heard people state about a piece of artwork, "my child could do that."  This is often said about abstract artwork, and I will admit that I have said that in the past.  What often isn't known is that the artist, most likely, has excellent skill at rendering subjects, but chooses a more childlike presentation.  Judging what is poor technique or what is simply self expression can be difficult.  All art is subjective, what one likes, another will dislike.  For me, I am going to try to not pass the judgement that "my child could do that," but just enjoy art!  Enjoy!

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