Monday, October 7, 2013

Human Figure Manikins

Figure drawing can be challenging.  Drawing from a live model can be difficult to arrange and expensive.  So what do artists do if they need to draw a human figure in a particular pose.  What I have done and many other artists, is to depend on small scale human figure manikins (see picture).
The two gray manikins are called Art S. Buck Anatomical Models, and the one on the right is a Blick Hardwood Manikin.  All of them are articulated, though the gray ones have many more articulations.  The wooden manikin is not easy to pose and has limited flexibility.  The gray manikins are easy to pose, but can lose the pose is moved to much.  In price, the gray manikins run around 23 dollars a piece, while the wooden manikin runs for under 5 dollars.  For myself, I use the gray manikins for there more life like look and ease to pose.  If budget is not an issue, I would recommend the Art S. Buck Anatomical Models (the gray ones).  Enjoy!

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