Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Digital art vs. Traditional art

Digital art has come a long way.  Years back one could tell if an artwork was created digitally, due to the flatness, artificial color and generic rendering.  Nowadays I often mistake a digital artwork with a traditional artwork.  Kit White states, "that hand rendered space (traditional art) can be more convincingly illusionistic compared to digital space."  I would have to disagree with this statement.  Even the picture posted here is quite illusionistic, creating depth and perspective.  The color palette available to these artists is incredible.  Is one better than the other?  No.  Do I prefer one to another?  Yes, that's because I am a traditional artist, so I am biased.  Like I've said, there is room for all kinds of art in the artworld, but leave arrogance at the door.  Enjoy!

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