Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Hierarchy of Painting, Landscape

Jacob van Ruisdael, 1653
The first pure landscape painting did not occur until 1500 BCE in frescos in Minoan Greece.  Landscape paintings can be of our natural surroundings, or cityscapes done in any medium.  According to, "Landscape Painting is ranked fourth in the Hierarchy of Paintings. While lovely to look at, landscapes require no human figures and somewhat less technical ability to produce than do the first three genres on the list."  I would have to disagree with that landscapes "require less technical ability."  Painting rivers, mountains, trees, etc. that surrounds us requires the artist to depict many objects, from hard surfaces, to flowing surfaces, to soft surfaces, etc.  Landscapes and scenery have fascinated humans for thousands of years, I think that it is this fascination with natural landscape that drives the artist to depict it with vigor, or what some may call ease.  Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Interesting... I'm not an artist, of course, but I've certainly been impressed w/ the abilities of great landscape artists. Seems just as technical to me.
