Saturday, August 31, 2013

Freedom and the Arts

"Am I really free to create what I want to create, or is something holding me back?"  This is a question most artists will have to deal with.  I believe that self-censorship is the enemy of an artist.  It strangles creativity and innovation, and snuffs out passion, which is crucial for an artist.  Things that hold me back include, my own lack of confidence in my artistic vision for an artwork, my questioning of whether or not I have the technical skills to pull it off, the fear of doing something completely different from the other artists around me, and the lack of support for doing your own thing by not conforming to your fellow artists.  We are free to create, internal or external censorship need not dictate to us or limit our freedom.  I will continue to push the envelope in regards to my artistic journey and I encourage you to do the same.  Enjoy!

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