Saturday, August 17, 2013

My Artist Statement

For the past several years I have been working in various media, developing a certain level of competence in each one.  From printmaking to watercolor, oil to ink, I have tried to explore each medium.  Currently my work has come to the point that combining media is necessary for my communication through the artwork.  I experience freedom in my artwork with being able to use and combine any medium I choose.  It has given me endless ideas and allows my imagination to soar.
             When constructing an artwork around a particular subject matter, I use the media that would best communicate the intended feelings or ideas.  With my recent work, the artwork takes on personal subject matter that I can relate to and hopefully the viewers can relate to also.  The many facets of art keep me very curious, and this adventure doesn’t seem to have an end, for that I am thankful. 

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