Monday, August 26, 2013

Making Your Creative Mark

At my local library I picked up a copy of the book, Making Your Creative Mark, by Eric Maisel.  I have never read any of his other books on creativity, but this one seemed to hit a chord with me.  The first chapter is about the artist's mind, Maisel says, "notice what you are thinking, dispute those thoughts that bad-mouth you or send you careening in the wrong direction, and replace them with thoughts that better serve you."  I have often had negative thoughts about my artwork or about myself as an artist, whether or not I am good enough or will ever succeed as an artist.  But Maisel is right, these thoughts do not serve me, they just depress me and limit my creative endeavors, so mind your mind.  Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I should say, that is excellent advice in art - and in life!
