Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Paul Klee, Signs and Symbols

Paul Klee, 1926
Henri Matisse once stated, "The importance of an artist is to be determined by the number of new signs he introduces into the language of art."  Paul Klee (see picture) is an excellent example of how art can be a language of signs and symbols.  New is what the artworld seeks and what collectors look for.  Artists who redeploy old symbols in new ways or invents something completely different are considered avant-garde in the artworld.  People like new, whether it is new technology or new art, new is in.  Art is constantly changing due to people constantly pursuing the new.  Personally, I love avant-garde art and hope to pursue that also.  Not all artists are pursuing the new, and they don't have to.  Artists must listen to their gut and go where that leads them.  Enjoy!

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