Friday, February 7, 2014

Senufo Bird and Pattern Recognition

Senufo Bird
According to Kit White, "The brain looks for what it knows...To make an image different enough to bypass the brain's pattern recognition and force it to reassess the meaning of an image is a challenge for every artist.  To make the familiar unfamiliar is a large part of making new visual language."  I would partly agree with this statement.  While the brain does try to recognize images, disrupting image recognition in not really a challenge for every artist.  Many artists are happy to create artwork that is recognizable, even Picasso didn't completely obliterate the recognizable in his cubist artwork.  Creating a new visual language appeals to only some artists, not every one wants or needs to be avant-garde.  The Senufo culture created artwork that was recognizable, but truly unique.  Enjoy!

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