Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Watercolor Technique, Glazing

According to Wikipedia, "A glaze is the application of one paint color over a previous paint layer, with the new paint layer at a dilution sufficient to allow the first color to show through. Glazes are used to mix two or more colors, to adjust a color (darken it or change its hue or chroma), or to produce an extremely homogeneous, smooth color surface or a controlled but delicate color transition (light to dark, or one hue to another). Painters who use this technique may apply 100 glazes or more to create a single painting."  With an artwork for class last semester, I had the opportunity to do several layers of glazing in watercolor.  It was the first time I truly employed this technique.  With each additional layer of paint I was careful that the dilution of the paint was enough to let the underlying color to show though.  The result was a richer density of color throughout the painting that could not be achieved with only one layer of paint.  Glazing is a technique that can be done in watercolor, as well as acrylic and oil paint.  Enjoy!

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