Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Wassily Kandinsky and Intuition

Wassily Kandinsky, 1912
According to Kit White, "Work from your intuition, and analyze with your intellect.  To keep your work spontaneous and inventive, try to draw upon what lies beneath normal cognition in an uninhibited way...Intuition draws upon subliminal knowledge and allows the unfiltered, unfamiliar, and unknown to enter your work."  Currently I am working on two pieces that involve little planning and much intuition.  A pencil drawing I am working on evolved from some doodling I did the other night.  The drawing covers a 18 by 24 inch paper.  Planning is minimal, I just sit down and go.  A oil painting I am currently doing is also being done with little planning.  I planned the color palette that I wanted to use, but other than that I just sit down and go.  I must admit, it has been freeing and enjoyable to just let the creativity out without filtering it or judging it.  I will be posting these pictures after completion.  Enjoy!

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