Monday, February 10, 2014

The Kitsch Movement, But Is It Kitsch?

Odd Nerdrum
According to the dictionary, Kitsch is defined as art that is "tacky or of low brow quality."  But the art movement called, The Kitsch Movement, which started in 1998, really has nothing to do with the above definition.  According to Wikipedia, "Kitsch painting is an international movement of classical painters, founded in 1998 upon a philosophy proposed by Odd Nerdrum and later clarified in his book On Kitsch incorporating the techniques of the Old Masters with narrative, romanticism and emotionally charged imagery."  Kitsch as defined is more like a ceramic teapot in gaudy colors in the shape of a cottage, not necessary what Nerdrum defines as Kitsch artwork (see picture).  So I guess that Nerdrum is using the word Kitsch to separate his artwork from the established artworld.  So be it.  Enjoy!

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