Monday, March 3, 2014

An Impromptu Drawing

Alice Cook, 2014
The drawing pictured here was certainly done without previous preparation.  Several weeks ago, tired and worn out, I sat down at my drawing table and put my head down.  Opening my eyes I saw little black dots on the 18" by 24" piece of paper that my head was lying on.  Realizing that the black dots were from a marker that bled through a note I wrote earlier in the day, I sighed at the ruined paper.  Now that the paper was useless for the drawing I planned for it, I picked up a pencil and started connecting the black dots.  Soon shapes developed, I went beyond the black dots and eventually the entire paper was filled with shapes.  Upon careful examination I realized that I just accidentally created a piece of art.  With a pencil I shaded in some of the shapes and finished it off with colored pencil.  It was certainly an impromptu drawing and it was fun.  Enjoy!

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