Monday, March 24, 2014

Superflat and Takashi Murakami

Takashi Murakami, 2012
Superflat is a post-modern art movement founded by Takashi Murakami.  Its influence is from Japanese manga and anime.  According to Wikipedia, "Superflat is used by Murakami to refer to various flattened forms in Japanese graphic art, animation, pop culture and fine arts, as well as the "shallow emptiness of Japanese consumer culture." Superflat has been embraced by American artists, who have created a hybrid called SoFlo Superflat."  Looking at various Superflat artwork, one can say it is very colorful, with no modeling or perspective in the paintings.  The subject matter is indeed of a superficial nature, with tons of happy flowers.  Murakami's artwork is a commentary on both Japanese and American consumer culture.  Enjoy!

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