Monday, March 17, 2014

Stuckism and Billy Childish

Billy Childish, 2008
A new art movement of the 21th century is called Stuckism.  The founders are Billy Childish and Charles Thomson.  According to Wikipedia, "Stuckism is an international art movement  to promote figurative painting in opposition to conceptual art. By July 2012 the initial group of 13 British artists had expanded to 233 groups in 52 countries.  Childish and Thomson have issued several manifestos, the first one being The Stuckists, consists of 20 points starting with "Stuckism is a quest for authenticity". To produce art with spiritual value regardless of style, subject matter or medium. In another manifesto they also define themselves as anti-anti-art."  In my opinion, Billy Childish's paintings remind me of Vincent van Gogh combined with Impressionism.  Artists are trying to find a new voice for painting and this is the point of Stuckism.  Enjoy!

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