Saturday, March 8, 2014

Georges Seurat and Complementary Colors

Georges Seurat, 1889
Complementary colors are opposite each other in the color wheel.  They are called complementary because the presence of a color's complement will enhance the intensity of each color.  According to Kit White, "The presence of red, for instance, will cause the retina to "seek" green in the other colors present, hereby enhancing all parts of the green spectrum."  Just placing complementary colors near each other will increase the intensity.  For centuries, artists have known that colors play off of each other.  Georges Seurat and his technique called Pointillism plays into this effect.  Pointillism, according to Wikipedia, "relies on the ability of the eye and mind of the viewer to blend the color spots into a fuller range of tones."  The interesting thing is that looking at an artwork by Seurat close up reveals just little dots of color, it is not until we step back from the painting that the image becomes clear.  Enjoy!

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