Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Christopher Williams and Sincerity

Christopher Williams
According to Kit White, "Once a work of art leaves the studio and arrives in the larger world, your sincerity is a weak predictor of the work's success.  Outside of the studio, your work must stand on its own and reveal itself without you being present to defend or explain it."  I would agree with this statement.  I have been asked what my artwork is about or it's meaning and usually I reply, "What does it mean to you?"  This often frustrates the person who wants me to define the artwork.  Sometimes I give in, but often not.  Art communicates, whether we like it or not, even with the artist's best intentions of creating art that communicates a certain thing, people will often see something in it that the artist never intended.   So look at art and you decide what is means to you.  Enjoy!

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