Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Theory of Art, Institutional

Andy Warhol, 1964
According to Wikipedia "The institutional theory of art is a theory about the nature of art that holds that an object can only be come art in the context of the institution known as "the artworld."'  Basically it is stating that an object is deemed to be art when some person or persons from a certain social institution (the artworld) confers the status of art onto the object.  For example, Andy Warhol replicated Brillo boxes (that one could find in a supermarket) and put them in a gallery and called it art (see picture).  The critics and curators at the time agreed, so hence the artworld deemed it art.  Art is subjective, and to wait for the approval of persons in the artworld to call what you created art, seems to be putting too much power in the hands of a few, that's my opinion.  Enjoy!

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