Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Theory of Art, Historical

Pablo Picasso, Bull's Head, 1942
According to Wikipedia, "Historical theories of art hold that for something to be art, it must bear some relation to existing works of art...In order for these works to be 'art' they must bear a similarity or relation to those previously established artworks...this definition of art also includes a disjunct for first art:  Something is art if it possesses a historical relation to previous artworks or it is first art."  The historical theory of art is interesting, if it didn't include 'first art' in the definition it would not work as a theory.  We often define new art by what has gone before it.  This theory also leaves room for innovation in art, by allowing for 'first art.'  Picasso's Bull's Head (see picture) is made up of a bike seat and bike handle bars.  Picasso used everyday objects rearranged to form a piece of art.  Any theory of art needs to make room for innovation and experimentation in art.  Enjoy!

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