Saturday, January 25, 2014

Classical Realism

David Gray, 1970
Wikipedia states that, "Classical Realism refers to an artistic movement in late-20th-century painting (1970's to present) that places a high value upon skill and beauty, combining elements of 19th-century(1800's) neoclassicism and realism.  Classical Realist artists attempt to revive the idea of art production as it was traditionally understood: mastery of a craft in order to make objects that gratify and ennoble those who see them. This craftsmanship is then applied to drawing, painting or sculpting contemporary subjects which the artist observes in the modern world."  I like artworks that gratify and ennoble those who see them, but art cannot be limited to this definition.  In my opinion, one style or movement of art is not better than another style or movement.  Classical, Greek, Modern, etc., there is room for all in the art world.  Enjoy!

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