Thursday, January 16, 2014

Shout Out to Gutai Group

Electric Dress
According to Wikipedia, "The Gutai group (具体; means "Embodiment") is the first radical, post-war group in Japan. It was founded by the painter Jiro Yoshihara in Osaka, Japan, 1954, in response to the reactionary artistic context of the time. This influential group known as Gutai Bijutsu Kyokai was involved in large-scale multimedia environments, performances and theatrical events."  Jiro Yoshihara once said, "Do what no one has done before."  This statement can sum up the purpose of the Gutai Group.  They were innovators during this time, with experimentation at the forefront.  I feel that each artist can bring something new to the art world, for each person is unique, they are what's never been done before.  Enjoy!

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