Friday, January 24, 2014

Claude Monet and Discovery

Claude Monet, Impression, Sunrise, 1873
According to Kit White, "Making art is an act of discovery.  If you are dealing only with what you know, you may not be doing your job.  When you discover something new, or surprise yourself, you are engaging in the process of discovery."  In my opinion, not all artwork is an act of discovery.  Some artists, for example, love making landscapes in their particular style and have no interest in changing or in discovery.  Contentment can be a rare thing.  For myself, I am never content with my art, and probably never will be.  I like to discover and push the envelope.  Other artists find contentment in their art just as it is.  The great thing about the art world is that there is room for all kinds of artists.  Enjoy!

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