Monday, January 27, 2014

Devajyoti Ray and Pseudorealism

Devajyoti Ray
A new art style has developed in this century called Pseudorealism.  According to, "Pseudorealist art or pseudoreal art essentially involves the use of abstract surreal shapes, geometric symbols, which do not have any specific meanings but which become meaningful in the context of the whole work of art. Another essential element of pseudoreal art is the use of offbeat colors, which may not be appropriate for a realistic portrayal of the subject matter or may even be inappropriate for the mood of the painting. Yet such offbeat colours are used in pseudoreal works in such a way that they render both believability and the requisite mood. "  Devajyoti Ray is a contemporary artist from India that works in the pseudorealist style.  What attracts me to his work is the depiction of everyday scenes with brilliant colors.  Enjoy!

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